What is the difference between counselling and psychotherapy?
Counselling tends to focus on a specific current life problem, while psychotherapy tends to deal with more deep-seated and enduring personal issues. Psychotherapy, therefore, tends to go deeper than counselling.
What is psychoanalytic psychotherapy? How does it compare with CBT? And what are the differences between counselling, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis?
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy seeks to understand our unconscious processes and focuses on the nature of our relationships with others. It draws parallels between relationships we have had in the past, with those in the present, including those observable in the here-and-now with the therapist... Click here for more details.
What can I expect in a psychotherapy session?
A session lasts 50 minutes. The frequency, which will be agreed at the initial consultation, will be once, twice or three times per week. There is no set agenda, and no requirement for work to be
done between session.
What benefits can I expect from working with a psychotherapist?
A number of benefits are possible. Often it is helpful just to know that someone is prepared to listen. Psychotherapy can provide fresh perspectives on things, challenge negative and self-destructive
patterns of behaviour, and begin to point you in different directions. It can help you understand yourself better and hopefully help you become more the person you want to be.
Should I use the chair or the couch?
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy depends on developing an understanding of your unconscious processes. These may be easier for you to access using the couch, and not facing the therapist. But ultimately the choice is yours.
How much does it cost and what payment methods are there?
Please feel free to phone or email for my current rates. Payment for the initial consultation is payable at the time. For ongoing psychotherapy, invoices are issued monthly in arrears. Payment can be made by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
Do you accept insurance?
There is a confusing array of insurance arrangements. For this reason I do not deal with third-party payment arrangements, although your own policy may cover you on a 'claim back' basis. You will
need to check this out with your insurance company.
Do I have to pay for missed and cancelled sessions?
During the course of the therapy, time allocated to you is your time. As such, charges are made for all sessions. You do not of course pay when sessions cannot be provided. It might be possible for you to be offered an alternative time for sessions notified in advance that you know you will be unable to attend, but this depends on current availability and cannot be guaranteed.
How long does it take?
There is no set time for psychotherapeutic treatment? But it isn't a quick fix! It tends to be a long term undertaking than either counselling, or cognitive therapies like CBT. This is because it deals with deeper issues rather than specific problems, and underlying causes rather than symptoms. How long you remain in it will largely depend on what you want to achieve from it. Some are in therapy for months, for others its years.