Psychotherapy holds out the promise of being able to help us with many of the problems that ruin our lives: anxiety, self-hatred, shame and confusion... But how exactly does it work? On what basis
can it help us?
Having some psychotherapy is just about the most significant and interesting thing you could do to improve your chances of contentment - in relationships, at work, and with friends and family.
Sigmund Freud, the inventor of psychoanalysis, appreciated the many ways in which our minds are troubled and anxious. It isn't us in particular: it's the human condition.
The English psychoanalyst John Bowlby teaches us about Attachment Theory, which is quite simply the best way to understand how and why relationships are tricky.
Donald Winnicott has lots to teach us about how to look after children - but also about how not to aim for perfection. Being a 'good enough' parent is good enough...